Pushing myself after an impossible day

Self discipline = doing what you know you have to do, when you should do it whether you feel like it or not.

A succcessful person is one who doesn't give up where others would.

Today or last night rather had to work a nightmare 14hr shift. Pretty much continous work. Got home Friday morning had breakfast slept few hours then left from bham 6pm to 9.30pm to London. By the time had dinner and talked with relatives etc it was midnight.

I hadn't received current juz today let alone memorised today's juz.

With a day like today surely it's another one to mark off as an impossible day to do my hifz.

But at midnight despite my eyes burning for sleep I decided to force myself to JUST GET STARTED.

Alhamdulillah I revised current juz once and then memorised today's page. Whole thing barely took an hour.

Alhamdulillah. It's efforts like this and forcing that consistency which will determine whether I succeed or not inshaAllah.


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