Juz 1 + 2 = 45mins

Been doing Juz 1 + 2 for a week now. Mostly whilst driving. And fixing pages from latter part of Juz 2.
Juz 1 = 16.53
Juz 2 = 28
Total = 45mins
Juz 2 especially second half hasn't become as smooth as I'd hoped. Tomorrow is Sunday, a day off, I'll try and recite it a few times and build up the fluency and speed iA.
Also was speaking to my brother today who I think has nearly finished memorisation of the Quran MashaAllah, he said once he finishes a Juz he doesn't stop to 'consolidate' it because it is already learnt so well. So if you learn the Juz well as you go along you don't need to take a break afterwards.


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