Recovering from Injury - Plan to the End

Ok, so I've been in a cast (and I will be for at least another couple of months) and on crutches, there was the DVT scare, my brother was in hospital for a week.

I'm back at work now, I have to be despite being on crutches otherwise I'm at risk of not progressing next year (doing 'audit' work - my consultant and department have been very good).

BUT I need to not miss any more days now. Whatever happens, hifz has to remain consistent and had to remain constant.

I've not read for a good couple of weeks now and pretty much lost all of Surah Al-Emran.

I'm not too worried about this as I used to get. I learnt from my teacher - to keep moving forward. Keep memorising, dont stop that. Previously I would stop that and try and 'regain' what I had lost but in actual fact that just lead to laziness.

By memorising a new portion (a page at present) every day - it keeps you on your toes.

And I only need to a page a day of revision and inshallah in a couple of months I'll be all caught up.

But it all depends on that one quality identified very early on - CONSISTENCY.

If I keep missing a day here and a few days there these will accumulate to years which I cant afford.

With the mini injury/family crisis behind me now, from this day onwards, in sha Allah, there will be no stopping.

Beautiful weather when I restarted yesterday morning...


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