Arabic Practice through Hifz - reading vs rote learning

A post I've been wanting to write for a while, and that is how my Quranic Arabic is progressing, inadvertently (but very satisfying) as a by-product of doing Hifz via understanding.

So all these years (at least 3-4 now) I've acquired vocabulary via ANKI i.e. rote learning and made reasonable progress. I've always heard and read you acquire best via reading, but from previous experience I became dependent on that context and couldnt always recognise vocab in other contexts, especially as I didnt (and still dont) have a great knowledge of sarf, and that the same word can appear in different forms according to the Arabic morphological system.

One thing I will say however, I am won over - having gone through Surah Kahf and now most of Surah Baqarah - reading (or in my case memorising) really works.

If I open a page of the Quran in Surah Baqarah (from a section I havent already done), there are only 3-4 words that I dont recognise i.e. I can translate 90%. From a cursory look at other parts of the Quran, it seems the percentage is less (thought still over 60%), I guess different surahs have different sets of vocabulary.

As mentioned in a previous post, however, ANKI is still extremely useful to refresh the meaning of words, words that are part of your hifz memory which you recite instinctively without thinking about the meaning any longer.

In summary - memorising with meaning + ANKI = really opening up my Quranic Arabic comprehension


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