Hifz - some reflections
- Last Sunday, I missed my A level Arabic class in the morning so that I could catch up on everything and generally was a little fatigued from working many days in a row, and a particuarly stressful T+O shift on the Saturday. I should mention, I say fatigue in retrospect as I keep pushing myself and driving myself. I'm not sure if its the self discipline and willpower that I have instilled over the last few years or just adrenaline at finally having some control over my life and fulfilling this one big goal of mine.
- Despite the above for some reason I ended up distressed at times during that day, losing focus. I started late, having wasted some time on the internet in the morning. I once read the first hour sets the rudder for the day and this certainly was true. I mention this day as it was a day when I - momentarily - wanted to give up. Only in salaah was I able to focus and revise some of the Quran.
- However, by the next day I was fine and I'm still chugging along, consistently.
- REVISING LAST 3 PAGES AT LEAST ONCE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY HELPS CONSIDERABLY. At least on the basis of today, and common sense of course and the many studies on spaced learning and repetition backs this up.
- I'm still somewhat concerned that I'm not reading to a teacher and/or mispronounciations/mistakes. My work and other aspects of my timetable is making it very difficult to commit to a teacher. The times when I have listened to the audio, however, reassurringly there have been minimal mistakes and where there are I have been able to ammend them. I'm aware some think that once you have learnt something, it is difficult to change but I dont seem to have much of a problem in that regard.
- In a routine at the moment where I'm revising what I've learnt of Surah Baqarah (18pages) on the way to work - just about finishing by the time I get there. And then on the way back I alternate between
- Reading Surah Kahf every other day (last page is gone and bits of second to last page need fixing)
- Listening to either Surah Kahf/Baqarah.
- Hopefully with sarf and nahw exams next week some more grammatical rules will be solidified. I've decided not to sit Shamail exam, just the Arabic exams as they will help with my hifz.