Hifz - sacrifices

Inevitably I'm having to make sacrifices in the pursuit of hifz at this stage of my life. Some of the things that are being sacrificed:

  • Gym - I cancelled my gym membership yesterday. I've been a regularly gym goer since my late teens so this is a big sacrifice. Two years I will not go gym. I will go back to kickboxing in January inshallah but the marathon 2-3 hours heavy lifting several times a week will come to a halt for now. My routine for now is homebased:
    • Running twice a week on the treadmill
    • Chin ups/Pull ups every other day - takes just 10mins. Lets see what changes this brings about.
    • FA/Nk every other day.
  • Marriage - ha, the bane of my parents' lives. Every time they can bring it up they will. I'm not too fussed about this myself, but am aware the later I leave things the more difficult it will be to find someone from a seemingly already super fussy bunch of great British Muslim women. But if I can get hifz done in the next 2 years I really dont care. I will be able to relax after that. Because that is certainly another sacrifice...
  • Relaxing -  Hifz is round the clock 'tension'. When you walk you think about the verses, when you wake you think about the verses, when you enter the bathroom you think about the verses (and have to stop yourself). Half an hour induction breaks mean finding a room on your own and memorising as opposed to socialising with your friends and having the free coffee and pastries on offer. Dangerously driving and checking for a verse you've forgotten on your smartphone. Sometimes just revising silently during lecture...thats something that I'm working on now, but its difficult without vocalising. But I am determined to do this. Like anything else in life, to succeed you need the blessing of Allah but also you have to tie your camel - and that means discipline, consistency, efficiency and fortitude. These are what separates the successful from the unsuccessful as opposed to talent or luck or even time.
  • My sleep. Honest average at moment - between 4-5 hours. I aim for 6 but by the time I'm in bed its less. I usually get through the day fine though. 
SIDE VOCAB NOTE: I mentioned in a previous post that I had fallen behind on learning new words as I had neglected ANKI for a week and a few unknown words were coming up. Since then I've been regular with my ANKI and learning new vocab before encountering them in my 5 lines that I have to learn for that day. Again - definitely true. Knowing the words in advance helps immensely. At the moment I know words from maybe 1.5 pages head of where I am learning from.

Since 2 November 2015 it is now:

39 days of learning. Missed days = 0


30 pages   Remaining: 570 pages

1.5 juz   Remaining: 28.5 juz


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