Using apps for hifz

Top three screenshots are from the Quran app. Very handy as it is always in my pocket. It has same template as Uthmani mushaf and also has meaning and audio, although lacks a word for word breakdown. I do try and use a physical mushaf when possible as it let's you visualise which page you are on, which side of the Mushaf it is on etc. 

The fourth screenshot shows the tally app I am using which also reflects the revision pattern I'm following at present and which appears to be working for me. Although it says last 3 pages to be read 5 times, at present this is 9 pages (what I have memorised of Surah Baqarah). There's a satisfaction in being able to recite everything you know from memory in one day although obviously the more I learn the more difficult this will become and eventually impossible.

Final screenshot is of ANKI, hammering home all the individual words. 


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