Hifz Surah Baqarah - Restarting

So once I finished Surah Kahf, I started Surah Baqarah. I actually very much wanted to memorise the 30th Juz (or rememorise as I had memorised this a long time ago when I was 20), but my teacher was insistent that I go on to Surah Baqarah. I had no big issue with this. The buzz I was on the day I memorised Surah Kahf, I can only imagine what it would feel like to memorise Surah Baqarah. Additionally, on my Arabic course we will soon start the analysis of Surah Baqarah so it should all tie in nice inshaAllah.

Anyway I memorised about 10 pages (half of juz 1) and now I need to restart. Reasons:

  • I realise now I need to thoroughly revise what was learnt over the last week or so thoroughly - and this until now was just once a day but actually I realise now has to be several times, maybe 3 at least, perhaps even more. I guess I will just learn with experience.
  • My focus on 'revision' until now has been Surah Kahf - I've used my driving time to and from work daily to revise this. 
  • Partly because of the focus on Surah Kahf and not losing that (alhamdulillah 80% of the Kahf is solid now), I lost track of my recent learnings of Surah Baqarah.
  • I went to London for a week where I had limited time to keep up with recent learnings. I kept learning my new 5 lines but losing track of previous ones.
  • Although you always hear it and are aware of it, I know now from experience that a huge emphasis has to be on what you have learnt and more importantly what you have learnt recently. 
  • So my new plan:
    • Learn 5 new lines first thing in the morning (+ revise this 10x/day as previously mentioned)
    • Revise the last 3 pages 5 times. 
    • Revise all of Surah Baqarah at least once per day.
    • Revise Surah Kahf at least every other day (I've revised it daily for one full month and feel its fairly solid).
  • I hope the above plan is effective iA.
  • My new target date for completion of Surah Baqarah inshaAllah is: 14 March 2016
    • (I have redone 5 pages until now, SB finishes on end of p49)
    • 132 days from now if I go at a pace of 5 lines per day.
As ever it will come down to CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY and CONSISTENCY.


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