Hifz - new unknown vocabulary

So over the last week I've neglected my ANKI deck. Inevitably the reviews built up and I stopped learning new words. My hifz I have kept up obviously - this is my first and foremost priority.

But I got to a portion yesterday where I did not recognise 3 words in the 5 line segment I was due to learn for that day. Immediately this was a problem. Until now I have been learning with meaning, as I had already learnt the words in advance via ANKI. I realised not only did this help with making sense of what I was learning, the actual phonetics of those invidividual words were already in my head - i.e. part of the memorising was already done. Many times I have heard people doing hifz (who do not understand any Arabic) trying to relate the words or sounds they were memorising to their mother tongue. Well I prefer to relate it to the actual meaning!

Learning these new unknown words took me back to my two previous attempts from yesteryear at hifz where I was just memorising sounds.

Learning points:

  • Keep up to date with ANKI - do not miss a single day of reviews or new words.
  • This should iA get easier with time as the more vocabulary I acquire, the fewer new words I will encounter with time as there is a huge amount of repetition in the Quran. 
  • Sitting down and memorising 5 lines - I can do this in 20mins flat now. And it is a million times easier to do this whilst on my own i.e. not in the prayer room where people may come in or the bleep may go off. Everything else I can do whilst walking around or driving or potentially getting disturbed - ANKI vocab, revising various parts of the Quran. But the actual new learning is best learnt in one undisturbed sitting, ideally first thing in the morning as is the Sunnah and the revising of it done spaced out throughout the day.
  • Presently on page 14 of first juz - 6 pages to go. As soon as I hit page 20 (i.e. second juz) inshaAllah I intend to implement a new disciplined part to my regime as mentioned previously - that is to wake up 30 mins earlier than normal and memorise the new portion first thing iA.
  • Also - the five lines in one breath technique mentioned below is working quite well. I can even do it, or at least I did it today straight after learning my new 5 lines.


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