Does Arabic help or hinder Hifz?

  • I have heard conflicting stories about whether Arabic helps or hinders hifz. Previously I heard from some that, obviously it helps. Others have said it slows them down as it makes them ponder. From memorising Surah Kahf with the Arabic meaning I've learnt that for me:
    • Initially you depend on the meaning.
    • Once you start reading daily, the older parts become consolidated and part of your memory and reading rhythm to the point where you dont have to think about the meaning. 
    • You actually start forgetting the vocabulary of what you learnt a while back even though you are revising your hifz daily - because you are not consciously thinking about the meaning. This is where the beauty of ANKI comes in. Because I have also plugged in all the individual vocabulary into there I am constantly revising the vocab and so there's multiple reinforcement of the language.
    • So for example at present with Surah Kahf - which is 12 pages in my mushaf (the common Uthmani mushaf), the first 9 pages I can recall without thinking about the meaning. Whereas the last 2 or 3 pages I still depend on thinking about the actual meaning, although the dependence is becoming less the more I practice and listen.


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